The Heart of Unity (Discussion)

Questions and conversation about religious beliefs, Scripture, the Spirit of Prophecy, and Creation 7th Day Adventism
David Aguilar
Posts: 63
Joined: May 28th, 2012, 4:28 pm

The Heart of Unity (Discussion)

Postby David Aguilar » August 31st, 2013, 12:29 pm

Hello to all,

I recently listened to an audio testimony called "The Heart of Unity" on the CSDA Church's audio program page. It is found here:
Creation Ministries Presents: Real Media

The specific program is found under the label "Inspiration For You," and is the rightmost link on its third row.

It had been a while since I heard one of our Real Media programs, and the sound of the music when the audio began to play instantly brought a smile to my lips. It is my intention to revisit many of these programs, and perhaps to post my thoughts on those here, as I am doing now with this one. I hope to inspire some discussion of these "old" programs, which are nevertheless filled with light that becomes new again as we hear them.

The first thing that impressed me about this short testimony (it is only 23 minutes long, with several pauses for contemplation) is its simplicity. It presents its harmony with the Scriptures, and its plain testimony of the Gospel, in such a way that I longed to hear such words on the tongues of my fellow human beings. The Bible's message of hope, and healing, and victory, should draw men near, should raise their hopes, and ignite their affections - but instead we see this plain trust in the Word of Yahweh as a rare thing indeed. Outside of the CSDA Church, I have not heard any who now say, "Because of the power of Christ, I do not commit willful sin; and my life is blessed forever more by this great expression of His love toward me."

The speaker then began to describe the changes that took place in his life, and his family, because he had come to accept the power of the Gospel, to overcome all transgression through the indwelling power of Christ. The first change he highlighted (because that was the purpose of the video) was the unity of spirit that he experienced with his wife, who had also come to believe the truth about genuine conversion. He listed the "fruit of the Spirit" from Galatians 5:22-23, and it became plain upon the reading of these things (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance) that NONE of these things can truly exist outside of a spirit of unity. How shall we have love, and peace, if we are not in harmony with Yahweh and the brethren? How shall we have joy if there are divisions and disagreements? What does it mean to express longsuffering and gentleness, if we are not committed to one another, to "dwell together" in the Spirit, refining one another heavenward? The Fruit of the Spirit, the evidence of genuine conversion, is intimately tied to the idea of being "One" with Yahweh (the Source), Yahshua (the Mediator) and the Bride (our fellow recipients of these great blessings).

I do not here wish to give a line-by-line recap of the message, because I wish you all to hear it with open years, and to let it speak to you as Yah wills, but there was much here with which I was impressed.

For example, although the speaker's message was about the "Heart of Unity," he spent a great deal of time discussing righteousness by faith. This is quite significant, and certainly fitting. After all, one cannot have true unity with Christ, or His people, without victory (e.g., 2 Cor 6:15-18). Conversely, one cannot truly have victory - to perfect victory through sanctification - lacking unity with Christ and His Church (e.g., Eph 4:11-16). The audio doesn't touch on this specifically, but there is an apparent contradiction that can only be answered by faith. We cannot have A without B, but we cannot have B without A. So which comes first? It seems like the "chicken and egg" problem, but the truth is that and the answer IS actually given in the presentation, in that we "accept" these things. We receive them, because we are given these blessings as gifts from a loving Father.

Yah accomplishes it by having given us all that we need, even as we come to accept the things we need. He "calls those things which were not as though they were," (Rom 4:17) just as He "hath translated us into the Kingdom of His Dear Son," (Col 1:13) even before it seems we have arrived at its gates.

Another key statement was the one that Christ calls people, not out of His church, but toward His church as identified by its faith and the testimonies of His people. It is not a name that makes a Church real (e.g., the name "Seventh-day Adventist," or "Baptist," or "Methodist") but whether or not that Church abides by those things that God has called its people to believe.

Is a Church a Seventh-day Adventist Church? That cannot be answered by a sign over its door, but by whether or not it believes Seventh-day Adventist beliefs. Does it keep the seventh day holy (and in spirit and in truth, as Yahweh is to be worshipped)? Does it teach the Sabbath rest, both in its sermons and its policies? Does it promote the soon return of Christ in its message, and in the words and actions of those who are its members? These are the things that define the Bride of Christ, and upon which Yahweh Himself (not the laws of man, or the decisions of a conference) has bestowed the name that is representative of our faith. The name, absent the faith it represents, means nothing; it is only when a God-given title is paired with the faith He has inspired that it becomes "a standing rebuke" to those things that would separate humanity from divinity.

The audio speaks of communication, of setting aside the fear of rejection when we speak (when we know that we are speaking in the spirit of Christ), and of boldly giving our testimonies to our brethren and the world.

It speaks of the conflict between the righteousness of Christ IN us, vs the natural unrighteousness of mankind (as excited by the enemy of souls). For the believer, Christ has overcome the world, and this is true not only with regard to His earthly ministry, but with His ministry within us, as administered from the Tabernacle in Heaven.

It speaks of the blessed promise, not that He will cleanse from sin and guide us with His will, but that He has already done it. The "work" has been done, and we must "know" this, so that we will see it coming forth in our lives.

It indicates that those who have had difficulty escaping the snares of this world have a "spiritual eyesight" problem. They must learn to see sin as a true form of slavery. They must look at transgression from a perspective outside of their own senses, to see things from Heaven's point of view. They must understand the promptings of the flesh, and the inability to overcome them, as actual imprisonment, and then who would not want to be free of these things? Who would not want to cry out for help, and then to accept that aid that has always been lovingly offered?

These themes, and similar ones, have been at the forefront of our Sabbath meetings as well, so we may be confident that they are the very things that Yah is showing to His people in these days.

I look forward to reading your own thoughts on this audio testimony, to let us know what has inspired you, and drawn your attention. Let us edify one another with our words.

Posts: 77
Joined: May 28th, 2012, 2:07 pm

Re: The Heart of Unity (Discussion)

Postby Barbara » September 16th, 2013, 3:22 am

Thank you, Brother David, for your lengthy dissertation on this topic.

I have listened to this cd a few times recently, also, and have been blessed by it.

The following points stood out to me as applying to those who HAVE this heart of unity.

1. Even though we come from various backgrounds and have varying personalities, we speak as ONE because we have unity of purpose and spirit.
2. All animosity towards others (even enemies) is gone.
3. Time together is spent studying Yah's Word and praying instead of participating in worldly entertainment.
4. We never grow tired of being together, as we love to sing praises to Yahweh and share testimonies.
5. We express our love to each other - often on a daily basis (especially for husbands and wives).
6. We would rather die than sin against Yahweh and Yahshua.
7. We believe the Word of Yah in spite of our feelings and senses.
8. We always walk in the Spirit!

It is a blessing to hear these things things and recognize them in those who have the 'heart of unity'.

I also listened to another cd, called "True Family", which I would like to comment on, as well. The subject of this cd is similar to the "Heart of Unity".

The speaker began with his experience while he was in a church which did NOT have the 'heart of unity'. He, and others, saw standards being lowered and Yahweh being dishonored. They expressed their grief and sorrow over this, as they saw that they were powerless to 'stay the power of evil.'

Then, he (and some others), were given - and accepted - the victory message. They became new creations and a new family. They experienced the 'heart of unity' which includes all of what was mentioned above. They saw that they must come out of the church they were in and into Yah's true Church, which is the True Family, has the heart of unity, and is the Church in which victory is experienced by every member.

He also mentioned the following steps for growth:
1. Yah appeals to our reason.
2. Yah gives us victory.
3. Yah sends His spirit to convict us and we take the next step in faith.
4. Yah confirms our step with more evidence.

I am blessed as I have seen these steps fulfilled in my life and the lives of others. And I am thankful to Yah for bringing me to, and making me part of the the True Family.

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